Rotary Club of Adelaide Parks (RCAP) has a 13-year history of engagement with, and support of, The GIFT Foundation and AGN School in Tamil Nadu, India, and is committed to continue this association in the years ahead.
The GIFT Foundation was formed in 1998 to enhance education, learning and research through the establishment of educational institutions, especially in the rural areas of Tamil Nadu. Dr Ayee Goundan, Founder of the GIFT foundation commenced the operation of AGN SCHOOL at Konganapuram village in Salem district in June 1998 in his family’s renovated farmhouse with less than 200 students. AGN School recently celebrated its 25th academic year ( Silver Jubilee year) with a total enrolment of 1850 students, aged 5-18 years.
With the GIFT Foundation’s partnership and facilitation, RCAP has established a Rotary Club of Adelaide Parks (RCAP) Scholarship program at AGN School. The scholarships support students’ completion of high school and are awarded to students experiencing socio-educational disadvantage, typically to students whose family circumstances would inhibit school completion and a pathway into higher education. The scholarships are awarded on the basis of a student’s academic potential, their financial need and social consciousness.
Communication between AGN School and the Rotary Scholars has consistently ensured the integrity of the scholarship program. Selection of scholarship recipients is via a rigorous process with the selection panel including a Rotarian from the Rotary Club of Sankagiri. The scholarship program itself has been sustained by RCAP over a 13-year period. RCAP recognises the long term sustainability of this rural community is, and will be, found through supporting the education of the young people in that community, and through their contribution to community development in the future.RCAP’s engagement with the GIFT Foundation, and support of AGN school extended beyond scholarships. In 2017, RCAP successfully applied for an Australia Awards Fellowship program (Aus$65,000) to host an educational study tour to Australia for 4 teacher leaders at AGN School. This project resulted in significant impact and pedagogical development at AGN school.
The following links provide more information about the AGN Schools and the GIFT Foundation.